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WHI Workshop reports

Workshop Report WHI 2021-04-20


Date / Time: 2021-04-20 / 9h to 13h (4h)


Item(s) Shooted (Reference Code(s)): Mark IV LODESTAR III (Vehicule#1110216)

Location: BRUSSELS (Exhibited)

Section (if relevant) : Global

Shooting Summary

Preproduction actions performed (1h)

  • Whimsical workflows analysis mindmapping

Contents Production :


Drafting Reporting and Media Management methodologies according to high volumes of photographic and mediagraphic content gathering.
1. Positioning the medias according to asset geometry :
[widgetkit id="7" name="Positionning the Asset Media Geometry"]
2. defining a reporting sublocation identification system
[widgetkit id="8" name="Defining a reporting sublocation identification system"]
3. Defining a model for production report 
4. Creating a Cartography of produced digital media around the asset, according to subdivision methodology:
[widgetkit id="9" name="Creating a cartography of produced digital media"]
5. Naming produced digital media around the asset, according to subdivision methodology:  
[widgetkit id="10" name="Naming produced digital Media"]
6. Sampling application of critical data on top of produced pictures :
[widgetkit id="11" name="Sampling application of critical Data on top of medias"]

Total raw pics produced: 2

Successful Panoramic Views Rebuilt: 0

360° Equirectangular shots/rebuilds: 0

Total pics delivered: 6

Nb of Cameras: 0

Camera Types: Whimsical, Photoshop, Illustrator


No issues during this session.


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  • Hits: 494

Objet Témoin ASBL website is proudly curated by J. Vandanjon Consulting - Our work is documented under creative commons license, but some items mentioned and illustrated may be regulated by specific conditions of private collectors, NGOs, foundations and public museums. Please advise. thx.